Graduate Marine Engineering

Graduate Marine Engineering

  • GME-013
  • 40
    Reservation as per Govt. Policy
Course Fee
Male:Rs 5,75,000
Female:Rs 4,50,000 (Being revised)
Course Duration
08 months (Pre-Sea) & 10 months (Shipboard Training on SCI Vessel)
  • Commencement of Online application

  • Last date of Online application


Please be informed that SCILAL recruits candidates for Graduate Marine Engineer’ Course directly through its own schemes and has not authorized any person/agency to engage cadets/trainees on its behalf.

As per DGS guidelines, the following categories are eligible to undertake the admission for

Pre sea Training of 8 months shore training by SCILAL-MTI.


  • Category (a) – A full time BE / B. Tech in Engineering streams e.g. Mechanical and Automation, Mechanical  and  Electronics, Mechanical and Automobiles  etc. However, the word “ Mechanical “should be first indicating that mechanical engineering is  the core and the second subject is the elective with minimum 50% marks in final year of Engineering Degree.


  • Category (b) – All Naval Architecture streams e.g. Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering, Naval Architecture and Ship building etc. However, the word “Naval Architecture” should be first indicating that Naval Architecture is the core and the second subject is the elective with minimum 50% marks in final year of Engineering Degree.


  • Category (c) – BE /B. Tech in Marine Engineering with minimum 50% marks in final year of Engineering Degree


  • Category (d) – BE/B. Tech in Mechanical Engineering with minimum 50% marks in final year of Engineering Degree


  • Other Higher degree such as 5 year integrated ME/M tech in above all categories with minimum 50% marks in final year of Engineering Degree.

The candidates must have been obtained Engineering Degree of above categories from AICTE approved institute or from IIT or from Engineering colleges /University recognized or approved by State or Central Government.  Equivalent degree or degree with specialization or electives other than above educational qualification is not acceptable. Candidates must be in possession of valid Engineering degree certificate / provisional degree certificate/ Marks Sheet with minimum 50% marks in final year of Engineering at the time of interview. Furthermore, candidates should have secured at least 50% marks in English language at Xth or XIIth class or in a degree course.

Candidates who are natives of Lakshadweep and Andaman & Nicobar islands and belong to scheduled tribe  and also who and both of whose parents were born in those islands and belong to Scheduled Tribes  have been given relaxation of 5 percentage (%) marks only  in “English” language in the Xth or XIIth class  or in degree exam.

Not more than 28 Years of age as on date of interview.

Relaxation for SC/ST candidates – 5 years i.e. upto 33 years of age.

Relaxation for Women candidates – 2 years i.e. upto 30 years of age.

Relaxation for OBC (NCL)  candidates – 3 years i.e. upto 31 years of age.

Candidate must have good health and be fit for sea service as per existing MS Medical Rules 2000/MLC 2006 applicable to seafarers. Selected candidates are required to undergo medical examination including fitness, Eyesight and other medical test including psychometric test as required by Directorate General of Shipping (DGS). Medical fitness check will be done only through Directorate General of Shipping`s (DGS) approved Doctors. No waiver will be given for the above standard.  Medical examination fees shall be borne by the candidates.

10 (4 + 6) months on-boarding training provided by SCILAL-Maritime Training Institute(Shipboard Training on SCI Vessel)

Important Note:
The selection of candidates is only for one time shipboard training and the Shipping Corporation of India Land and Assets Limited has no obligation or does not guarantee any further employment or extension of ship board training.

Job Prospects

After completion of 08 months shore training as GME and total 10 (4+6) months structured shipboard training as GME, candidates can appear for Marine Engineer Officer (MEO) CLASS-IV. Examination for issuance of Certificate of Competency (COC) by Directorate General Of Shipping (DGS). After obtaining necessary sea experience and higher certificates of competency the candidate can rise to the rank of Chief Engineer officer on the ship.

About the Online Examination

The online examination shall be of two (02) hours duration, which will be in the form of multiple choice questions (MCQs). It will focus on Quantitative Aptitude test, Professional Knowledge test, English Language test and Reasoning Ability test. The questions of the test will be bilingual (English and Hindi).

Important Note : Candidate MUST PASS in each of the objective tests to qualify for personnel interview. The passing Marks in each test will be decided at a later stage by the MTI/SCILAL on the basis of the performance of all the competing candidates in each test.

Exam Center

The online examination will be held at Mumbai, Delhi, Kolkata, and Chennai only. Candidates will have to choose a test center of their choice and the same cannot be changed after submission of online application form. However, The Shipping Corporation of India Land and Asset Ltd. (SCILAL) reserves the right to cancel or add any test center or change the center chosen by the candidates without issuing any further notice or assigning any reasons thereof.

How to Apply

  1. Applications will be accepted only in online mode from  DD.MM.YYYY (1000 hrs) to DD.MM.YYYY (2359hrs). For the important instructions and details candidates have to visit to
  2. The application fee of Rs. 1,000.00 for General (UR), OBC-NCL and EWS candidates and Rs. 500.00 for SC, ST and Female  candidates shall be paid to SCILAL-MTI at the time of submitting online applications without which candidates’ application forms will not be considered
  3. Eligible candidates are required to present physically at examination centers. It is mandatory that the candidates should have a valid e-mail id and mobile number while applying in order to facilitate faster communication. All future communications and correspondence will be through emails and our official website only.
  4. Detailed instructions for filling the application form will be given under the “General Instructions”. Candidates should read all instructions before filling application form carefully.
  5. Before applying, candidates should ensure that they fulfil all the eligibility criteria and norms mentioned in this advertisement.
  6. Upon saving the on-line application with registration number, candidate has to download the printout of application form. Candidates are advised to keep one copy each of application form and bank transaction fee receipt with him/her. This copy will be required to submit before interview during documents verification, if qualified in the online examination.
  7. Filling of multiple applications will result in the cancellation of all applications.
  8. Link for submitting online Application Form and Application Fee is

Important Note:

  1. Filling of multiple applications will result in cancellation of all applications.
  2. A candidate MUST have valid Email ID and Mobile Number. All future communications and correspondence will be through Emails and our official website ONLY.
  3. Before applying, candidates must ensure that they fulfill all the eligibility criteria and norms as mentioned on this page
  4. Before filling application form a candidate MUST read all instructions carefully given under the “General Information and Instructions” section.
Process flow of Admission

Candidates need to apply online through the link given on this page


After successful submission of online application from, take print out of application form. It is required at the time of document verification before interview, as applicable


Appear for Online Examination


Check the result on the MTI website.


If name appears in the merit list, appear for interview.


If qualified, candidate has to undergo STCW Medical examination test by DGS approved Doctors.


Check for final merit list on the MTI website.

General Information and Instructions

    1. Candidates must be in possession of valid Indian Passport at the time of personal interview.
      Without valid Indian Passport, candidates shall not be given admission to  Graduate Marine Engineering (GME) course, as INDOS (Indian Nationals Data for Seafarers) number of candidates will not be generated without passport. INDOS number is required to update the name and details of candidates in Directorate General of Shipping`s website. Without updating the details of candidates in DGS website, the admission procedure to Graduate Marine Engineering course shall not be commenced. Candidates who do not possess valid Indian passport are requested to initiate process of generating passport at the soonest or if required in ‘TATKAL’ mode also.
    2. Only Indian Nationals are eligible to apply.
    3. An application fee once deposited is NOT refundable in any circumstance.
    4. If any information provided by the candidate is found to be false or incorrect or not in conformity with the eligibility criteria, then his / her candidature is liable to be rejected at any stage of the selection process or after selection or joining.
    5. No modifications are allowed after submission of the application form. Incomplete application form in any particulars is liable to be rejected. Write “NA” for whichever is not applicable.
    6. Candidature is also liable to be rejected if the Original application form received unsigned or without photo or received with wrong application fees or received without application fees and received after the last date of receipt of applications.
    7. Candidates employed with Government departments / PSUs / Autonomous bodies have to produce NOC at the time of interview if called for the same. If such candidates cannot provide the NOC, they will not be allowed to appear for the interview.
    8. The Shipping Corporation of India Land and Asset Ltd. (SCILAL) reserves the right to change the number of vacancies and cancel/restrict/modify / alter the recruitment process, if required, without issuing any further notice or assigning any reason thereof.
    9. Any modifications/amendments in the advertisement will be given on website
    10. All Instructions and important information regarding recruitment will be available on only MTI website and as such, candidates are advised to visit same frequently for necessary instructions.
    11. Candidate should bring all the original valid documents and one set of self-attested photocopies of all certificates at the time of interview, if applicable. Candidates failing to produce original documents for verification will not be allowed to appear for the Personal Interview.
    12. Only those who are in possession of all the documents mentioned above can apply.
    13. After 03 months of commencement of pre-sea training course at MTI, Powai, candidate will not be permitted to switch over the Company/Training Institute. You will not be eligible for the issuance of any “No Objection Certificate” for completion of your pre-sea training or shipboard training. However, issuance of “No Objection Certificate” is at the sole discretion of the SCILAL/SCI Management.
    14. Once you join any other company without completion of your pre-sea or onboard training as required by the scheme in SCILAL/SCI, you will not be permitted to join back again for completion of your remaining training period.
    15. The offer of admission of pre-sea training (at MTI, Powai) and shipboard training (on SCI Fleet vessels) by SCILAL shall not be considered as GUARANTEE of employment on completion or cessation of such training.
    16. Prior commencement of shipboard training on SCI Fleet vessels, you are required to furnish an Indemnity Bond to SCI for agreeing to serve on SCI fleet vessels if required by SCI, for a period of 3 years meaning thereby three (03) years (i.e. 1095 days) of sea service put on board vessels after completion of onboard training with Certificate of Competency (COC). In the event of breach of Indemnity, you will be liable to pay Rs. 3,000,00.00 (Rupees  Three Lakhs only) towards the expenses incurred on the skill development during onboard training on SCI Fleet vessels.
    17. In case of any doubt/query, please communicate with below mentioned contact details.

    Important Dates:

    Particulars Dates
    Date of commencement of On-line application
    Last date of submission of the on-line application by the candidates
    Date of  On-line examination



  1. Email    Phone Number: +91 86571 35535